Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chapter 3: Writing 9 to 5

If she is going to have 100 babies she is going to have to make some money for a bigger house and the book she found on her door step said she isn't allowed to work outside the home, so that means she has to find a way to make money at home while raising her children. The only two things that pop into Maggie's mind is writing or painting and she only has 900 dollars to her name, so she has to make up her mind will she paint for a living or write books? Writing it is! Maggie has an idea that she could write a 100 books for the 100 children she is suppose to have.

Trying her best to get her first book done before the baby comes she works thru the night but doesn't finish it. Feeling a stabbing pain coming from her belly she has to stop and as she stands up to go lay down thinking she over worked herself her water breaks! The baby is coming! The baby's coming!

Maggie isn't ready to have this baby, but as she has no choose in the matter she grabs her overnight bag and heads to the hospital as she doesn't think a home birth would be a good idea.

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