Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chapter 8: Meet the twins!

Maggie decided it was time Miles learned how to use the potty first and it only took a few tries and he took to it like a pro! The snow finally stopped and has melted bring forth spring and that means Lucas will be going to school for the second day of his life since he started going. Maggie thinks wow what a time to have a 6 day vacation for him as she shakes her head.

The next day Maggie's water broke all over the kitchen floor and throws her into a four hour labor and she can't believe her eyes...

OMG!! I can't believe it! screams Maggie. "It's twins Lucas!" Lucas turns up his nose at the whole thing. Baby Connor was born first then eight minutes later his twin sister was born Baby Sophie. Maggie thought yay! I finally have a girl that I've always been wanting, but wait a minute I can't believe I have four children in a one bedroom house. I wonder if because their father was a werewolf is why Maggie had twins. Both babies were born with the werewolf trait but as soon as she can she will hire a witch to brew a potion and give it to them when they are old enough to take it but not old enough they will remember being werewolfs.


  1. I love it so far! Maggie's house must be extremely cramped by now. Yay, for the first girl!

  2. thank you very much! I'm having so much fun creating a story line for this challenge. More chapters coming in a couple hours after I sleep. As I play until I'm tired while i take pictures and write down on paper the story line, then go to sleep, wake up edit and crop the pictures then make the chapters and play some more hehe. I wonder how long it will take to complete this challenge in Sim weeks and irl. :)
